METALFEST OPEN AIR 2024 – 31st of May – 2nd of June 2024, Amphitheater Lochotín, PILSEN
The festival area of this year's METALFEST in PILSEN and its surroundings has been diligently preparing since the weekend. Construction of the stage, stands, tents, wristband exchange containers, ticket office, all this has already been prepared for you since yesterday! Today we are fine-tuning a few details and opening the campsites and parking lot at 12 noon! We are sending some photos from yesterday's preparations, take a look.
We wish you a save journey to PILSEN. The weather forecast is not quite ideal for the festival, so pack raincoats and rubber boots just to be sure... we are really looking forward to seeing you and we believe that we will enjoy it together in any conditions.
Metal forever!