METALFEST OPEN AIR 2023 – 2nd – 4th of June 2023, Amphitheater Lochotín, PILSEN
Dear festival visitors,
METALFEST 2023 is approaching, and this year you will find several new organizational innovations, related to parking and camping. In order to protect the food for the animals from the Pilsen ZOO, some meadows used in the past must remain undamaged and cannot therefore be used as parking lots or campsites. You will be able to park and set up your tents on nearby lots on the banks of the Mže river, closer to the city center (Na Jíkalce). Two smaller campsites (Blue & Green) will remain at the site, which will be paid for and guarded. The movement of vehicles near the site will be regulated by traffic signs. Some roads will be one-way again and parking options in the area will be limited. Please pay attention to the following information and secure a place for your tent or car in time.
Let's take a closer look at each option.
Thank you for following the rules. Your respect and consideration will help us maintain and develop METALFEST in the unique environment of the Amphitheater Lochotín.
Order festival and one-day tickets and parking at this website. You can also find tickets in the Ticketportal, Ticketmaster, Ticketstream or GoOut networks.